Todo List

Global array_concatenate (const Array *a, const Array *b, int dim)
currently works only for 1D and 2D. implement nD if necessary.

Global cphmm_get_transition_prob (CPHiddenMarkovModel *m, int k, int i, int j)
not implemented yes

File dtwpath.c
implement this!

Page EEGlab-Plugins
There are (going to be) EEGlab-plugins for the following:
  • importing RAW to EEGlab
  • exporting set to RAW
  • denoising (wavelet)
  • PADTW and timewarping

File gapstat.h
rewrite with Array struct

Page Howto import and export data
write documentation for libeegtools -> EEGLab

File io_wav.h
implement matrix-to-wavfile conversion

Global matrix_transpose (Array *m, bool alloc)
implement a faster way

Global pathdist_euclidean_dt (WarpPath *p1, WarpPath *p2)
fix this! work with new warppath-arrays!

Global read_array_matlab (const char *file, const char *varname)
Currently, the returned array is always DOUBLE.

Global regularization_gaussian_corridor (const Array *points, uint dims[2], Array *m, double max_sigma)
there are artifacts here, check for numerical errors

Global signaldist_stft (double *s1, int n1, double *s2, int n2, double **d, OptArgList *optargs)
at the moment, N_time is required to be n, the number of sampling points in s1 and s2. This needs to be fixed by interpolation

File som.h
generalize metric (need to solve Eq. 3.40 (from Kohonen, 1995) for each metric)

Global tdelay_estimate_dimension_fnn (TimeDelayReconstruction *p, double Rtol, double Atol, int num_dim)
implement this (it's easy!)

File time_frequency.h
add some docu here

Global write_eeglab_file (EEG *eeg, const char *file)